I love the LORD, because He hears my voice and my supplications.
Psalm 116:1

Recently, I had this truth confirmed by Yahweh Himself. He let me know that all my doubts, my troubles, my fears, and my requests had been heard. He gave me complete peace that He cared about me by answering my call.
Sometimes, it's hard for us to believe this sincerely. We can all relay this truth, but many of us struggle believing we are actually talking to the Almighty when we pray. Sometimes prayer becomes habitual and almost meaningless. I let this happen and found that it only gave me hardship. Beware of letting your time with God be empty this day.
I have found the best way to know you are speaking with the LORD is by actually making the communication two-way. Start paying attention to His spirit. As much as you talk, also listen. Learn to distinguish His voice even though it is difficult at first. I'm still learning.
Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5:17
In addition to praying sincerely with a humble heart, pray continually. God is your best friend! Go to Him with your troubles and thoughts before anyone on earth. Trust in Him and He will not let you down.