Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?... the foolishness of God is wiser than men... God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise... Let him who boasts, boast in the Lord... so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God... For the wisdom of the world is foolishness before God... So then let no one boast in men.
1 Corinthians 1:20, 25, 27, 31; 2:5; 3:19, 21 (just read all three chapters :D)
We are finite. This means that we do not know everything. We can't see into the future, we can't predict the outcome of every detail, we don't know how everything works, and there are, in most cases, exceptions to the rules we establish. Our perspective can only see details due to our nature. We can never see the whole picture. However, God is infinite. He knows about everything because He created all of it. He knows the future, He can exactly predict results, and He knows how everything works down to the smallest detail. He can see the whole picture because He painted that picture.
Sometimes I look back into my life and I realize God was just probably giggling at my limited thinking. But, He was probably somewhat frustrated with me also because I wasn't listening to His voice. I thought I understood life. I actually used God and knowledge about Him to become arrogant. Because I love knowledge and reason, I would learn so much about Him, but I didn't actually get to know Him. I was not trying to directly obey Him, I was trying to obey His statutes. But this is legalistic pursuit. I was running after a lifestyle to make me feel better about myself (religion) instead of running after the One who would ultimately satisfy me way more than that lifestyle ever could (relationship).

Our love for Him should ultimately guide our decisions. Our reasoning and knowledge, which are a gift of His grace, should only be subsequent guides. If He wanted us to depend solely on knowledge, why would we need a relationship with Him? Because He loves us, He limited our knowledge so we would be forced to trust Him (and probably for many other reasons we don't know ;D). His interests for our lives are so much better than any goal we could have, anyway.
So, are you listening solely to the voice of reason or are you trying to listen to the voice of God?