Talking about your life and what is on your heart is so important. We are relational creatures because God made us that way. He made us to have fellowship and community with other people. It glorifies Him because He is love and we are made in His image. Everyone needs real friends who will listen. Friends are not just for fun times. They help you get through life. They push you in your relationship with God. They are a rock to lean on in hard times. They tell you what you need to hear. They speak truth and encouragement into your life.
But they cannot do any of this if they do not know what is going on in your life.
Being vulnerable is the first step in communicating effectively. You have to trust people (particularly the ones who love Jesus). You have to let people see the dirty, gross, knotted parts of your heart so they can help refresh you. It's easy for others to love you when they don't know you. But this is not real love. It takes a real friend to love when it's tough. When they see the sinful person you are and it causes them to extend even wider arms to embrace you, it is true love. If you don't have friends like this, you do not have real community. It is paramount you find people like this because without them, you will stumble and you will not grow as much as you should.
"Secrets are only temporarily exciting before they become excruciatingly limiting"

Though you should find these people and share with them, there are some cautionary steps to be taken. First of all, pray. Pray, pray, pray. God is the first person you should be pouring out your life to. He will always be your solid rock and He will always care. He will love you with the most unconditional love that will not falter. You need to trust Him first and foremost.
...and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:19
Second, it is unnecessary to tell something to all people but it is extremely helpful to tell one person all things. If there is something going on in your life, be prayerful about telling at least one person, but not everyone needs to know all the details about your life. This can be tedious and a heavy burden to feel the need to be always vulnerable with all people. However, be prayerful about being vulnerable in the moment. Some of the sweetest talks are not premeditated.
It is helpful to tell one person all things. An accountability partner is wise. If you know that one person is incessantly praying for you and that you have to keep him or her updated on your life, it keeps you responsible.