Thursday, February 7, 2013

God is Love

I have been reminded of a truth. I realized that this truth pretty much encompasses all other truths. It is foundational. Because it is so often said, people have almost become dull to it and don't really dwell on it as they should. Throughout today, I will actually make it a point to remind myself of this truth because it is so important. This truth is simple. It is that I am loved by Yahweh.

Instead of just thinking about it and then pushing it into the back of your mind, try to apply this truth. It is so easy to understand, yet we manage to forget it daily. If one knows nothing else theological or biblical, know of God's love. It seems that when we don't really feel like we need it, we are reminded of it. But at times we are desperate for Him, we forget He is there and that His love holds us in His hands.

When we are tempted to give up on the day turning around because it seems so bad and we are filled with self-pity, welcome this truth. Let it overtake you and fill your soul. If God loves you, then what power can one bad day hold over you? He has specific plans for us. Our troubles are no surprise to Him. He has allowed them to happen for His reasons. I cannot help but bring in this verse, which is really about God's love:

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Are you His? Then start acting like it. Nothing is more powerful than He who loves you. Even in the sour day, when tests are bad, when you fight with your best friend, when your parents seem overbearing, God is love. He is ready and willing to take you up into His arms to tell you that everything will work out because you are His child!

I have already begun the series on love, but this is really the opening post. God is love and everything else is built on this. I hope to write more posts about the nature of God's love and all it entails along with how this should encourage us to love others and what that should look like.

Agape means 'unconditional love'. This is the love our Father has for us. It is such a great and deep love. I dedicate my blog to Yahweh, who is love.