So take a breath. Put this head knowledge into your heart. Even as you must spend your whole life getting to know the Creator, He already knows you more intimately than any other being because He made you.

Before you get frustrated with life, yourself, or a specific situation, know that God is with you and He is an understanding God. Communicate with Him first because He will give you a great sense of peace by assuring you that your situation is no surprise to Him and that He has great plans through it.
You are never alone.
Before you skim over that sentence because of its familiarity, let it actually sink in. God knows you and He prepared this day especially for you. The experiences you have will be perfectly laid out for your growth and the growth of His kingdom. He purposed them and purposed you to walk through them. But He wants to walk with you, so let Him!
Instead of shutting God out and hiding from Him, embrace that
He already knows every little detail there is to know about you and that He cares. He reads you like an open book (even with all the sins and uglies), yet He wants such a closeness with you because He loves you. Trust Him and talk to Him.