I am a legalist and sometimes I struggle when I think about those sins I do not ever know I am committing. Do you know what I'm talking about? I'm talking about how we are so deeply disgusting compared to the holiness of our Father and we could never achieve righteousness even if we tried. I usually have a hard time grasping this. I always think my good works make me a decent person. But then I remember that every inclination of my heart is selfish and evil. I become discouraged because I feel like all my striving is a waste of time. I will not achieve what I am aiming for.
Romans 2 talks about how no one has any excuse for their unrighteousness. Even if people do not know God's law, they will be judged by it because we serve a perfect and holy God. He must have justice. Even those who have never heard of morality have it written on their hearts so they cannot come to God at the end and say that they did not know any better. But, this is not supposed to take away all hope of righteousness or redemption. The beginning of Romans is setting the background before bringing Jesus and grace into the picture.
So what is my point in all of this?
I never had the chance to be perfect. I always had a sin nature just like everyone else.
My job, aim, and goal as a Christian is not to be perfect. I will commit sins daily both intentionally and unintentionally. Some I will never even know about. But I was forgiven as soon as I believed that Jesus died in my place. The point of any righteousness in me is no longer for me, but for the sake of Christ. Any unrighteousness in me is still for His glory because it shows how much I need Him. It is not supposed to depress me, but point me to my Father. Complete righteousness and striving for perfection in this life leads to glory of self, not God.