Thursday, June 19, 2014

God's Love is Endless

By this we know love, that God sent His only Son to die in our place so that we may live. This truth is what we should lean on when we do not feel loved. It is foundational and beautiful and good. However, I think it is just the beginning of how much our Father loves us and if we begin to open our eyes to all He does for us daily, we may be able to grasp that the depth of His love for us is truly endless.

He not only gives His son, He gives us all kinds of good gifts to show us how much we are loved. From beautiful scenery to tasty treats, the details of our lives show how much we are loved by Him. As long as we attribute the gifts as gifts and not gods themselves, we can appreciate all that has been given to us.

Recently I have learned a specific way to accept love from God and it is by accepting love from the people He has placed in my life. I used to think that depending on people meant that my relationship with God was not strong enough because I was not depending on Him enough. Now I understand that depending on the people He has provided is actually a form of depending on Him. Sometimes it is so hard to be known because it's vulnerable and uncomfortable and risky. But when God provides people who accept you and encourage you even with all the baggage and sin, take advantage of His great love!

But we do have to be careful that we realize a person is only a gift and not the ultimate giver. If we do this properly, our gratitude will fall first to God and secondly to the person. Then, we accept love from Him (who is Love) first and second from the person.

There are many other ways people feel loved by God. I feel very loved when I see a gorgeous scenery of clouds. Seeing creation as artwork made for us is a way to glorify God and be loved. Hearing a song at a perfect time is a gift of love. Some people may see God's love most in the daily provisions of food and money and a place to sleep. God's gift of Scripture to tell us truth and guide us in this life is also a gift of love. These things and many others show His never-ending love for us. We just have to look for them and acknowledge that He is behind them.