Once God has spoken; twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God; And lovingkindness is Yours, O Lord... Psalm 62:11-12
Today I had a near death experience. As my brother and I were enjoying tubing across the lake, we suddenly realized we were being pulled under a bridge without warning and without slowing down. The giant concrete pole came into our line of sight, but at first we convinced ourselves we would miss it. As it quickly came closer and the reality of the situation sank in, my brother bailed the tube. Because of the timing and momentum that I already had, I knew any attempt at escape would be awkward and unsafe, so I instead focused on bracing myself for the upcoming collision. As I slammed into the giant pole, I bent my legs to the side in a way that I could almost bounce off with my feet and protect my upper body. Though this was a successful endeavor, it did result in scraped up toes and sore feet. The point of all this is not to be sorry for me or worried for me or to blame anyone involved. I am fine. I was completely in God’s hands. I just want to share all that God showed me through this frightful experience.
"If physical death is the price I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive" Martin Luther King, Jr
Something else God showed me was that natural responses to situations are not always of Him. Anyone would have a justified fear of never wanting to go out on a lake again. But, living in fear is not of God. Staying inside all day or refusing to do things out of fear will not only give you a false sense of safety, but it will also be a waste of living. As long as we are in this world, we are not safe. Period. God’s will for us to live is the only ‘protection’ we have (though we shouldn’t have a great desire to be protected from death anyway). His will to keep us alive is the only thing keeping us alive. Whether we are swimming, eating, sleeping, driving, flying, or anything, we are not ‘safe’ because the world is evil and the devil only wants us destroyed. We are not in control of anything. But this should not instill fear into us. The fact that God is the only one in control should empower us! How great is it that the only being who loves us perfectly and purely has our lives in His hands. The enemy cannot touch us without His allowing.