How often, when we are depressed or in a bad season or things are not working according to our plan, do we say: "I just need to [read my bible, pray more, be more loving, have less fear, (insert your own weakness), etc.] and then I will be [happier, more successful, less worried, less depressed, more popular, closer to Jesus]."
While there are good things to strive for, we need to be careful of what our hearts truly believe before we act. Above all else, the heart is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). Are we trying to be worthy of the gospel and God's love and gifts? Are we trying to prove to Him (or even ourselves) that we are deserving? Do we falsely believe that good things happen to good people so if we are better, life will work out? If we are doing any of these things other than to joyfully serve Jesus who already did everything for us, then we may as well stop because it isn't helping anyone to do things out of selfishness or obligation.